Thursday, 19 October 2006

Celebrity Publishers

1. What would Phil Collins be better known as if he was a wedding musician?

2. What if Faith Hill loved raw burgers?

3. What would be the name Larry Elison's publishing house?

4. What would be name of Penguin books if Morgan Freeman purchased it?

Answers are in the comments


  1. so whats the idea of publishing answerrs b4 others look at it? Is it to discourage them from submitting responses? I object !


  2. so whats the idea of posting the ans? I object !


  3. 1. Harp-er Collins

    2. Mc-raw Hill

    3. Ora-Eli

    4. It would still be Penguin books. duh!

  4. 1. What would Phil Collins be better known as if he was a wedding musician?

    Ans: Phil-harmonic .. no that wud be opera singer!! oops .. don't know

    2. What if Faith Hill loved raw burgers?

    Fat Hill

    3. What would be the name Larry Elison's publishing house?

    I dont know who he is - so cant say

    4. What would be name of Penguin books if Morgan Freeman purchased it?

    March of the Penguins
