Tuesday 8 April 2008

Powerpoint Gap

There is an unofficial term called the "powerpoint gap" in software sales.

Typically, the sales guy will go make a fancy presentation and impress a prospective customer. The customer will spend large amounts of money to buy the software that can solve all his problems based on the powerpoint or a proof of concept. He starts complaining when he realizes that the software cannot tie his shoelace automatically nor can it make his cup of tea or solve his sleep depravation issues. The technical guys/consultants tell the customer the real deal and the software is then developed to suit the customer's needs although he would have still tie his own shoe-lace, etc. The software version that was used for the proof of concept was an alpha or a beta release at best.

Replace, the sales guy with BAA; the customer with BA - and you have the familiar powerpoint gap issue at T5. And, T5 sounds like a beta release too!

I guess BA is not ready to go GA, yet.


  1. Nice one! I am glad BA at least shipped my shoes right, not so much concerned they didn't the laces for me...

  2. dei....when are you going to update your blog. Nothing new of late?
