Thursday, 19 February 2009

Broken King

Recently, Shah Rukh Khan who is the owner of the Kolkata Knight Riders said the credit cruch had left him with no money to buy expensive players during the auction, and finding it difficult to even pay the salaries to the existing ones. A few days later, it was announced he was going under the knife to have some shoulder surgery. Looks like this glamorous and expensive game is literally costing him an arm and a leg!

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes Google translations are this particular instance, there is a "yoda" feel to SRK...
    ऑपरेशन के बाद फिलहाल डॉक्टरों ने शाहरुख को अगले 4 से 6 हफ्ते तक आराम करने की सलाह दी है। हालांकि किंग खान को पूरी तरह ठीक होने में 6 से 8 महीने तक लग जाएंगे।
    At present, the doctors after the operation the next Shah Rukh Khan to rest for 4 to 6 weeks is advised. Though King Khan to recover completely in 6 to 8 months will be.
