Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Perfect mismatch

There is a UK retailer of mobile phones, mobile broadband etc called The Carphone Warehouse. Unless I told, you probably would have never guessed what they sell. Anyways, minor gripe. Moving on....
Giving away free laptops seem to be THE marketing tool these days. If I recall, AOL started the trend for their home broadband. That idea has crossed over to the mobile broadband market these days. What drew me into one of the Carphone Warehouse outlets a few weeks ago were the new 9 inch laptops on display with the Atom processor. These laptops were being given away from free to a few hundred quid depending on the length of the mobile broadband contract. This sounds like a match made in heaven - light & portable laptop good enough for all the basic things you do on the move such as email/surfing, combined with mobile internet capabilities. Finally, a notebook that looks like a note book!
As I continued the tour, there were some real monstrous laptops on similar combo offers - one of them was a Sony 18 something inches, must have weighed atleast 10 kilos. This is quite the opposite of a match made in heaven - this is more like Britney Spears having a 2AM drive-through wedding in Las Vegas. This Sony laptop may not actually fall within the carry on baggage size limitations. Its that big!
There is an old colloquial saying that somebody bought a buffalo because the seller promised a nose string (wire) free. This seems to be relevant even today - just the products have changed! Ironically though, the new wire is wireless.

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