Thursday, 14 June 2007

C(l)ock and Bush Story

Last night on telly, Sky News reported that Bush's watch was stolen when he was shaking hands with Albanians. I thought such a great opportunity for proponents of the Kyoto agreement, supporters of legalizing same-sex marriages, "pro-death" champions, etc for everything that could have never happened under Bush's watch!!
Turns out lot of hopes were raised unnecessarily.


  1. I thought the nuclear watchdog stole it

  2. He better watch it...

    if you look at the video on youtube, it is rather difficult to imagine how he could have put the watch in his pocket. i bet the one he is wearing now is a duplicate from HK.

    pee are

  3. The nuclear watch dog was in "heat", so he tried "fusion" and the watch stuck to the hand. Fission would have been a different story all together.
